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Helping Patients Recover With Physical Therapy

Patients of all ages experience pain and movement disorders due to injuries, degenerative conditions, and other causes. Pro-PT’s team consists of highly skilled licensed therapists that treat all types of common diagnoses. Our individualized physical therapy treatments allow us to effectively treat the musculoskeletal disorders the general population suffers every day, and we use our skills to provide the easiest recovery experience and best results possible.

Treating a Wide Variety of Medical Conditions

Pro-PT offers therapy to provide relief and improve function for a multitude of conditions our patients face. While there are too many to name on one page, here are some common conditions we treat:

Foot Analysis and Shoe Assessments

Having foot pain can be as simple as a shoe change or as complicated as a customized insert specifically designed for you. Even the simplest change can make the biggest difference in the way you walk, play sports or even rest at night. A specialized analysis of your individual foot design by the staff at Pro-PT can get you off and running in no time.

Our Other Services for Patients

Our therapists provide a broad range of other treatment options to patients. These additional services include the following:

  • Arthritis
  • Balance and Fall Prevention
  • Osteoporosis
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation
  • Neuro-Musculature Disorders
  • Sports Injuries Rehabilitation
  • Geriatric Rehabilitation for the Aging Adults
  • Chronic Pain Conditions, such as CFS and Fibromyalgia

Feel and Move Better

Let Pro-PT’s team of caring therapists help you feel better and regain movement. We will gladly answer any questions you have about our services and the conditions we treat, as well as how physical therapy can help you.

Customized Physical Therapy for Your Quick Recovery

Call Asheboro