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Our staff is trained to help you recover after your total joint replacement, regardless of your activity level and goals. We can help post-operative joint replacement patients deal with pain and rebuild their mobility with a variety of treatment methods. Joint replacements are among medicine’s most successful interventions that apply to almost every joint in the body. More than one million procedures are performed annually, with Total Joint Arthroplasty (TJA) expected to increase to almost four million by 2030. Doctors successfully replace hips, knees, shoulders, ankles, and even fingers!

The Decision to have a Total Joint Replacement

The decision to have a joint replacement has changed drastically over the past 10-20 years and so have the statistics. Hip and knee replacements have always been popular, but as medicine has improved almost any joint can be replaced. In the past, patients would postpone joint replacement until the pain became unbearable, now, the decision is based mostly on quality of life. This has led to the total joint replacement population getting younger and younger. At Pro-PT we work closely with orthopedic surgeons to ensure every patient is treated individually based on their health care needs, their activities prior to surgery and their goals for future activity. The decision to have a joint replacement is a tough one, however, recovery from the surgery has become easier and easier with improved techniques in the operating room accompanied by more structured plans with physical therapy. At Pro-PT we work closely with orthopedic surgeons from all over the area to ensure every patient is treated according to their specific surgical protocol. We address pain and discomfort individually and appreciate that activity after surgery isn’t always pleasant. We promise to make your therapy experience as pain-free as possible and we will always make sure every patient feels secure in our care.

What to Expect With Physical Therapy

Every surgeon has a different preference as to when their patients start physical therapy after total joint replacement. Many start 2-3 days after surgery while others wait 10 days to 2 weeks. Regardless of your surgeons’ process, at Pro-PT we can accommodate your needs. At your first visit we will assess your status and communicate this directly with your surgeon. Your progression will depend on your pain level, your goals after surgery and how active you were prior to surgery. Your physician will direct any restrictions you may have with therapy and together we will base your treatment plan to best meet your goals quickly. We will encourage you to reach for the stars after a joint replacement and many of our past patients have returned to jogging, tennis and skiing.

Appointments typically last 45 minutes to an hour and the duration of your therapy treatment plan will vary according to your specific goals. Let the Pro-PT professional staff help you reach for the stars after your joint replacement and help you return to an active lifestyle that is pain-free.

Trust Our Medical Team With Your Recovery

Physical therapy helps patients regain their range of motion, mobility, strength, and endurance to help them return to the activities they enjoyed before their joint pain. Our licensed therapists will educate you on how to walk, get in and out of your car, dress yourself, and other daily activities. Your therapy visits’ duration depends on which joint you replaced, but you can rest assured we take your goals into consideration before we finish your physical therapy.

We Are Asheboro’s Experienced, Licensed Therapists

Pro-PT has our patients’ best interests and recovery at the heart of our physical therapy. If you undergo a total joint replacement, physical therapy is an essential part of recovering and restoring your mobility and range of motion. Let our experienced and licensed therapists help you get back to your daily life.

Customized Physical Therapy for Your Quick Recovery

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