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The Therapists at Pro-PT treat a variety of conditions, including hip, knee, ankle and shoulder joint pain. Our clinic, located in Asheboro, NC, offers physical therapy services to patients throughout Randolph County, many who suffer from multiple joint issues.

The human body has an estimated 250 to 350 joints and many of them are common causes of pain. Merriam-Webster’s definition of a joint is “the point of contact between elements of an animal skeleton with the parts that surround and support it.” However you define the term, our bodies contain multiple joints connecting bones to each other, and these areas can cause pain. At Pro-PT, we specialize in dealing with joint pain throughout the body. We use multiple modalities to address joint pain and we cater every treatment to your goals.

Common Causes of Joint Pain in Patients

Many things can cause joint pain, including injuries, disease, or a sedentary lifestyle. The most common causes tend to be conditions like strains, bursitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, falls, and other acute injuries. Nobody would argue about painful joints becoming more common as we get older. The therapists at Pro-PT can help you with your joint pain in many ways. The strengthening our physical therapy sessions provide decrease pain and help with joint protection since the surrounding structures often protect the joints through shock absorption. We incorporate flexibility exercises to prevent strains from tight musculature and help joints become more mobile. We also have an aquatic therapy program that allows more mobility with less impact, leading to more activity with less pain.

Therapy Options to Treat Your Pain

Pro-PT’s physical therapists have extensive training in using multiple modalities to treat hip, knee, and shoulder joint pain. These include tried and true treatment options like ice, heat, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound, which can directly impact the sudden onset of joint pain as well. We require an evaluation and design a one-on-one treatment plan to directly address the specific cause of your joint pain. Our therapists have years of valuable experience providing helpful treatment options that reduce pain and improve your mobility and range of motion.

Asheboro’s Joint Pain Specialists

Getting help at Pro-PT for your hip, knee, ankle and shoulder joint pain can provide much-needed relief and better movement. Our physical therapists use proven techniques to address your symptoms and target the exact cause of your pain. We welcome patients of all ages to take advantage of our treatment options and get their lives back to normal.

Customized Physical Therapy for Your Quick Recovery

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