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Recent data shows that 60-80% of adults will experience low back pain and 50-70% will experience neck pain during their lifetime. If you have ever experienced either, you will know that both can be debilitating and can interfere with your daily life.

Some people can pinpoint the exact reason for their pain, other have a gradual onset over time that simply becomes unbearable. Unfortunately, allowing the pain to continue can only worsen symptoms and make it difficult to address. With either scenario, the key is taking action! The quicker you address issues with the spine the easier the issues are to resolve.

Spine pain can heal on its own over time, which is great news! However, there are scenarios when time isn’t enough. This is when a physical therapist comes in handy. Physical therapists address musculoskeletal issues that make movement difficult. Even normalizing movement can stop spine pain from getting worse and can allow specialists to get to the root cause of pain much easier. Many times therapists can intervene with specific modalities to ease pain, other times it takes specific exercises to address the specific problem. Either way, a visit to a physical therapist can be the easiest route to ensure you are taking the right direction in easing your pain.

The staff at Pro-PT are highly skilled in treating back and neck pain and can lead you in the right direction to living a pain-free life!

Passive & Active Treatment Options

There are many ways physical therapists approach back and neck pain. Some passive modalities include applying heat or ice to the affected area or using a technique commonly known as “cupping”. An example might be using heat to warm up the muscles before performing activities to stretch and strengthen them gently. Applying an ice pack after treatment can effectively help decrease inflammation. After lessening the acute pain phase, we can take a more active approach. Pro-PT’s therapists incorporate various exercises to specifically focus on stretching and strengthening the muscles. We customize your program according to your particular injury, current lifestyle, and treatment and recovery goals.

Common Conditions Causing Pain in Our Patients

Many types of injuries can lead to back and neck pain. Our therapists will accurately diagnose your condition and provide treatment to alleviate the symptoms. Some common diagnoses that bring patients to our practice include the following:

  • Sciatica
  • Core Weakness
  • Flexibility Deficits
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Spinal Osteoarthritis (Spondylosis)
  • Disc Herniations
  • Spondylosis
  • Postural Deficits

Get Relief in Asheboro & Surrounding Areas

Get treatment for your back and neck pain as soon as possible from the therapists at Pro-PT. We use thorough testing and assessments to diagnose your condition and create a unique treatment plan to address your pain and get you back to a normal, comfortable daily life. Our physical therapy specialists have helped countless patients find relief, and we will gladly do the same for you.

Customized Physical Therapy for Your Quick Recovery

Call Asheboro