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There are many common causes of foot pain and getting to the root of the problem can be one of the most challenging we encounter. At Pro-PT, we do a thorough assessment of your body to ensure we address every possible issue that may be causing your foot pain and we use multiple interventions to help alleviate the pain. It doesn’t always seem possible, but there are times when foot pain can solely be from weakness in other areas. At Pro-PT our total body assessment of foot pain often leads to simple stretches and strengthening exercises that will eliminate the pain in your foot.

Foot Analysis

Methods We Use to Alleviate Various Foot Ailments

A gait analysis will be performed so that we can properly assess current shoe wear which allows us to make suggestions for changes that need to be made. We often use inserts that can help with proper foot alignment and improve your quality of life. Our inserts are customizable to your needs and are very inexpensive compared to other professional offices.

Have knee, hip or back pain? Believe it or not, wearing improper shoes can be the culprit! Having a therapist at Pro-PT assess your shoes can directly impact all of the joints above your foot. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with the therapists at Pro-PT to have  your foot-pain and shoe wear evaluated.

Common problems we treat:

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Arthritis
  • Sprains and Strains
  • Fractures
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Peroneal Tendonitis
  • Posterior Tibialis Dysfunction

Pro-PT is Here to Help You

Pro-PT is ready to help you walk and move better with the correct shoes and custom orthotics for your feet. Many people deal with foot pain, but the condition is treatable with professional care. Let our physical therapists check your feet and steer you to relief.

Customized Physical Therapy for Your Quick Recovery

Call Asheboro